
Ms. Jennifer Miller

10th Episcopal District NGO Liaison


Presiding Prelate - Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Jr. Episcopal Supervisor - Dr. Connie Speights Richardson Episcopal President - Ms. Geri Earl


Focus: Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is defined as modern-day slavery. The victims can be found working in: Commercial sex industry, factories, farms, landscaping, and construction. They may have private homes, restaurants and bars, nail, or hair salons. Statistics has shown that Human Trafficking wasn't against the law until 2000, when the Trafficking Victims Protection Act was passed, which made it a federal crime. 

When we look at Human Trafficking, it is shown to be the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world and many victims live among us, and every 30 seconds another person becomes a victim. There were approximately 8,700 calls to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline in 2018, and more than 25 percent of which involved children and youth under the age of 18. More than 300,000 victims of human trafficking live in Texas, and almost 79,000 are minors and youth victims of sex trafficking and nearly 234,000 adult victims of labor trafficking. 

The United States, along with Mexico and the Philippines, was ranked one of the world's worst places for human trafficking in 2018. In the US, there is no official number of human trafficking victims, but estimates place it in the hundreds of thousands. In Texas, at any given time, there are approximately 234,000 victims of Labor trafficking.

To Reduce Demand the recommended strategies: Have stronger penalties for the buyers and traffickers. Have greater enforcement of the law. Designed training, education, and public awareness, and create a proactive measure to include anti-pornography education and healthy relationship.

What can we (the missionaries) do to help stop the cycle, by educating the people of the Tenth Episcopal District. Share with them all reports to help rescue the victims, but mostly let’s all get involved. Let’s break the chain and Stop Human Trafficking. Missionaries, Laity, Pastors let’s take a stand to make a difference.  

Key Message

Under the leadership of our district 1st Vice President Ricci Fuller and Ms. Rose Broome the Elnita McClain Women Center Director educated the women of the Tenth, by saying get educated, report, rescue, and get involved. Let’s break the chain and Stop Human Trafficking. Missionaries, Laity, Pastors let’s take a stand to make a difference.

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